Zachary W. Huang
Idea: Allows an abstract class to create a product, even if it does not yet know its concrete class. Essentially, it defers (delegates?) to the subclass to determine which concrete product to create.
Note: Subclassing may not be necessary, depending on the language. For example, you could get the same behavior in C++ by using templates to parameterize Creator on a concrete Product class. This pattern is common toolkits and frameworks, and it is used in Abstract Factory.
abstract class Product {
abstract doThing(): void;
abstract class Creator {
// Overriden by subclass
abstract createProduct(): Product;
methodThatNeedsProduct() {
const product = this.createProduct();
class MyProduct {
doThing() {
console.log("Does a thing.")
class MyCreator {
// Determines which abstract product to create
createProduct() {
return new MyProduct()