Zachary W. Huang

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Template Method

Idea: allow a subclass to redefine the steps of an algorithm by overriding certain (“template”) methods.

abstract class Thing {
  abstract primitiveA(): number;
  abstract primitiveB(i: number): void;

  doThing() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.primitiveA(); i++) {

class ThingA extends Thing {
  primitiveA(): number {
    return 5;
  primitiveB(i: number) {
    console.log(i + 1)

class ThingB extends Thing {
  primitiveA(): number {
    return 3;
  primitiveB(i: number) {
    console.log(10 + i * 10)

function main() {
  const thingA = new ThingA();
  thingA.doThing(); // "1  2  3  4  5"
  const thingB = new ThingB();
  thingB.doThing(); // "10  20  30"
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